Short Biography of Iva Fakin

Position: Assistant director for sustainable energy management and energy management information system at Croatian government real estate agency.

Ms. Iva Fakin is Assistant director for sustainable energy management and energy management information system at Croatian government real estate agency. She holds a master’s degree in physics – geophysics from the Faculty of science at University of Zagreb.

Iva started to work as Project assistant within the UNDP project “Removing barriers for energy efficiency in Croatia”. She continued to work in sustainable energy management at national level within the Croatian government real estate agency where presently is Assistant director for sustainable energy management and energy management information system (EMIS).

Her current work includes the implementation of sustainable energy management activities in the public sector of Croatia such as the development and upgrading of an energy management information system, delivery of education and technical support to national institutions regarding sustainable energy management as well as reporting / analysis on energy and water consumption, contributing in parallel to the Croatian energy efficiency legislation.

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